
Lifeboat News #65


Lifeboat News

This issue published on 12/01/07. Copyright 2007 Lifeboat Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

U.S. Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group (SSG) Meeting

Our meeting with top U.S. scientists from the federal government went well thanks to much support by our growing Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). As our Board grows, it is giving us more and more resources to accomplish projects. Unlike most small Scientific Advisory Boards who are only able to offer a bit of advice, our Scientific Advisory Board is able to cause actions to occur.
First, Chuck Weir on our Scientific Advisory Board organized conference space for us at the Port of San Francisco office. Bruce Klein on our Scientific Advisory Board arranged for 2 cases of water to be available at the meeting. Additional SAB members who arranged to attend were Michael Anissimov and Michael Dickey.
Second, the following SAB members helped cover our expenses related to this meeting: Kemal Akman, Zeresenay "Zeray" Alemseged, Arlan Andrews, Sr., John A. Barnden, David Brin, Matt Browne, Michael Dickey, Rob Enderle, Michael Fleischmann, Linda Glenn, Jeffrey Herrlich, Behrokh "Berok" Khoshnevis, Jeff Krukin, Nickolaus Leggett, PJ Manney, Matthew L. McGuirl, Bud Mishra, Tony Rothman, Douglas Rushkoff, Jim Rutt, Stephan A. Schwartz, Michael Silverton, Jaan Tallinn, Anthony Waller, and Chuck Weir. (We had so much help that we ended up with a surplus!)
We began with four reports by Scientific Advisory Board members. We presented:
1) 21st Century Automated Construction System for Navy Construction Systems for Seabees and NavFac by Berok Khoshnevis, Director, Center for Rapid Automated Construction Technologies (CRAFT). This system will enable the Navy to reduce logistics costs by enabling them to ship robots to oversea locations where they will build buildings and other large objects using mostly local materials so less material needs to be shipped overseas. Prototypes of this system have already been successfully tested.
2) The outline of a chapter to be entitled "The Intelligent Universe" for the Cosmos and Culture Book (forthcoming from NASA) by James Gardner. This paper called for the launch of a Manhattan Project in cultural anthropology: The goals and motives that guide human action must be looked at in the light of all that we know and understand; their roots and growth, their essence, and above all their validity, must be critically examined with every intellectual resource that we have. This project becomes more important by the day as exponentially improving technologies will soon allow individual humans to do great harm as well as good.
3) "Runaway Global Warming" by Paul Brown. The most interesting idea in this proposal was to use andhydrous ammonia instead of hydrogen as an energy carrier. Hydrogen is not a practical fuel because of safety and storage problems and its low volumetric energy density. Instead, we can use anhydrous ammonia (NH3), a hydrogen energy carrier with a high volumetric energy density. It’s non-explosive and can be stored as a liquid under low pressure, similar to propane.
4) "Terrestrial Peoples, Extraterrestrial Persons" by Charles Tandy. The paper's most important idea is that he suggests two new Concerts (one Terrestrial, one Extraterrestrial) and that "implementing both proposals in concert would have a synergistic effect". (Concert 1: The political structure of Earth, which is neither a Law of Peoples nor a Law of Persons, is unworkable. But at this unique point in history it is both desirable and feasible to establish a Terrestrial Law of Peoples along the lines of Kant; Rawls; and, Daalder and Lindsay.) (Concert 2: The political structure of Space, which is neither a Law of Peoples nor a Law of Persons, is unworkable. But at this unique point in history it is both desirable and feasible to establish an Extraterrestrial Law of Persons along the lines indicated herein.) Contrary to what you may have heard, the paper does NOT suggest termination or replacement of the UN. You may want to read the paper for yourself; this paper by Charles Tandy may be found in an anthology edited by him: Death And Anti-Death, Volume 5 (Palo Alto: Ria University Press, forthcoming 2007).
Next we showed the rough draft of a presentation done by SAB member Philippe Van Nedervelde. SAB member Sergio M.L. Tarrero was in charge of filming and financing this presentation which was done at Transvision 2007. We hope to release this presentation for worldwide screening shortly. It is being translated into multiple languages, special effects are being added, and other modifications are under way.
We then discussed our InternetShield, BioShield, and NanoShield reports. Finally time ran out on this three and a half hour meeting. Note that over 30 SAB members helped make this meeting a success. That is more people than most nonprofits even have on their SAB! And we have already received more materials from SAB members for our next meeting...


An employee of Hewlett-Packard recently suggested to CreateHope that the Lifeboat Foundation be included in the campaigns of CreateHope (, so we are now included in their employee giving programs to some of the nation's largest corporations. We thank this employee whoever he/she is!
Related news: Learn how you can get your employer (even if you have retired from them) to match donations to the Lifeboat Foundation at

End of the Year

The year is almost over so now is your last chance to make your tax-deductible donations before the year ends. Our highest priority is for our Thermal Censorship of Ecophagy Study by Robert A. Freitas Jr which you can select as the Donation Purpose at

[email protected] Team

Adrian-Bogdan (Adi) Morut, joins our [email protected] team, becoming the second person to join in the past three days. Learn more at


We now have a Facebook group at thanks to Michael Anissimov.
We now have a NanoShield Cause Facebook group at and an A-PRIZE Cause Facebook group at thanks to Matt McGuirl.


Joseph P. Jackson III joins our blog team with his first post at

More Languages

Thanks to Jack Halpern we now have an Esperanto version of our about page. Jack has raised our total to 11 languages!

Growing Membership

Here are some of the recent donations/pledges we have received since the last newsletter:
Sergio M.L. Tarrero: $170, Michael Fleischmann: $150, Michael Anissimov: $85, Eric Bauswell: $85, Michael Dickey: $85, Jason Gaverick Matheny: $85, Thoughtware.TV: $85, Philippe Van Nedervelde: $85, Kenneth P. Weiss: $85, Anonymous: $40, Matt Browne: $30, C M Anderson: $25, Vincent A. Cate: $25, Adam Dobrin: $25, Rick Hubbard: $25, Matthew L. McGuirl: $25, Mark A. Walker: $25, James William Taylor: $25, Frank W. Sudia: $20, Stephen Fleming: $10, Joshua Fox: $10, Adrian-Bodgan Morut (Adi): $20, Christopher Dilkus: $10, Sylvia Engdahl: $10, Joseph P. Jackson III: $10, Glenn A. Miller: $10, Sarah Jane Pell: $10, John N. Philipps (Jack): $10, Pennye Shaw: $10, Kaj Sotala: $10, Michael Vassar: $10, and Donna Beck: $1.
Our Join Us page at now allows you to pay for your membership anywhere from monthly to every ten years.