End of the Year Fundraiser - 5% to Go!
We have raised about 95% of our goal so far for our End of the Year
Fundraiser. Donald Maclean has pledged to match all donations up to
$5,000. For example, if you donate $10 he will match your $10 giving us
a total donation of $20.
Please take advantage of this rare opportunity to get your donations
matched dollar for dollar. Santiago Bilinkis, Jeff Bone, Brian
Cartmell, Lawrence Catchpole, Justin Corwin, Miron Cuperman, Erwin
Franzen, Linda Glenn, Google, Chris Grayson, Rudi Hoffman, Naveen Jain,
Samuel Kenyon, the Life Extension Foundation, Matthew L. McGuirl, Alex
McKeown, Glenn A. Miller, R. Michael Perry, Rok Resnik, Paul Sanberg,
Jan Vandenbos, Jeff van der Wiel, and Chuck Weir are some of the
people/organizations who have already taken advantage of this offer.
Learn more at https://lifeboat.com/ex/end.of.the.year.fundraiser
Mark. A. Smith Memorial
The Lifeboat Foundation mourns the passing of our Mark A. Smith.
In addition to being a Professor at CWRU, Mark served as the Director of
Basic Science Research at the University Memory and Aging Center and
Editor-in Chief of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. He also sat on
the Editorial Board of over 200 journals including Science Translational
Medicine, The Journal of Neurochemistry, and The American Journal of
Pathology. Learn more at
and at http://j-alz.com/marksmith.html
Read Mark's bio at http://lifeboat.com/ex/bios.mark.a.smith
Educational Videos
Watch "Cryonics Fundamentals" by our Edgar W. Swank and Charles Tandy at
Watch "Existential Risks" by our Kim Solez at
Naveen Jain joins our blog team with the posts "Rethinking Education to Build Better Learners — Naveen Jain" at http://lifeboat.com/blog/2010/12/rethin...een-jain and "Top ten lessons for becoming a successful entrepreneur — Naveen Jain" at http://lifeboat.com/blog/2010/12/top-te...epreneur
The Immortality Institute
The Immortality Institute is raising funds for the Microglia Stem Cell Research project. Learn more at http://www.imminst.org/Research2010B
SENS Foundation
The SENS Foundation received a $500,000 donation from philanthropist Jason Hope at the "Breakthrough Philanthropy" event hosted by Peter Thiel Foundation. Learn more at http://scidoll.com/a-breakthrough-philanthropist/
Our Kattesh Katti discovers that cinnamon can replace harmful chemicals used to create nanoparticles. Learn more at http://munews.missouri.edu/news-release...rticles/
Growing Membership
Recent donations/pledges we have received since the last newsletter:
Brian Cartmell: $1,000,
Life Extension Foundation: $1,000,
Naveen Jain: $500,
Santiago Bilinkis: $400,
Google: $250,
Miron Cuperman: $250,
Linda Glenn: $125,
Paul Sanberg: $100,
Michael Anissimov: $85,
Michael Dickey: $85,
Jason Gaverick Matheny: $85,
Sergio M.L. Tarrero: $85,
Philippe Van Nedervelde: $85,
Kenneth P. Weiss: $85,
Matthew L. McGuirl: $75,
Glenn A. Miller: $60,
Justin Corwin: $50,
Rudi Hoffman: $50,
Frank C. Adamek: $25,
Anonymous: $25,
Rick Hubbard: $25,
Jan Vandenbos: $25,
Chuck Weir: $25,
Alex McKeown: $20,
Samuel Kenyon: $14.41,
Ronald Amos: $10,
Lawrence Catchpole: $10,
Rebecca R. Cooper: $10,
Christopher Dilkus: $10,
Thomas Dolphin: $10,
Stephen Fleming: $10,
Erwin Franzen: $20,
George Garrett: $10,
Charles Hawk: $10,
Miriam Leis: $10,
Aaron Mayzes: $10,
John N. Philipps (Jack): $10,
Lee Irwin Pringle: $10,
Rok Resnik: $10,
Rhonda Stevenson: $10,
and Jeff van der Wiel: $10.
Our Join Us page at https://lifeboat.com/ex/join.us now allows you to
pay for your membership anywhere from monthly to every ten years.