
Lifeboat News #124


Lifeboat News

This issue published on 11/01/12. Copyright 2012 Lifeboat Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

End of the Year Fundraiser

Donald Maclean has pledged $10,000 in matching funds for our End of the Year Fundraiser. Get your donations matched dollar for dollar at
This fundraiser has already received support from donors in Argentina, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Spain, and the USA.

Facebook Contest

Anyone who posts to our Facebook group at by December 31, 2012 will be entered into a contest to win a free autographed DVD of "Orphans of Apollo" (thanks to our Michael Potter). You can learn about the DVD at
The following people have already entered this contest: Gerard Bain, Paul Battista, Joyce Bettencourt, Alex Michael Bonnici, Phil Bowermaster, Mark Carney, Roger Christenson, Nikola Danaylov, Patrick Das, Eamon Everall, Sean Emery Flatt, Dariusz Gentek, Sirius Hallenberg, Tristan Hambling, Kevin George Haskell, Sean Henderson, Christian Holata, Syed Isa, Tom Kerwick, Cameron Keys, Szabolcs Kósa, Wes Kretzschmar, Alexander Kruel, Stephen Lang, Ron Langdon, John Lee, Jeremy Lichtman, Mike Lorrey, Christopher MacArthur, Richard Mallah, Jack Foster Mancilla, Chris Marti, Richard James Mcgirr, Thomas Munyon, Moana Nalu, David Oker, Bakari A. Pace, Edward Pandemonium, Boris Petrovic, Charles F. Radley, Peter Rothman, Jessica RRichman, Esther Rudolph, Cibi Selvam, Avinash Singh, Kim Solez, Kelly Starks, Sergio Tarrero, Reno J. Tibke, Pierre Turcotte, Yul Tolbert, Tereza Ullinovich, Nicolas Valentino, Bruce Weaver, and Christine Williams.

Downloadable Memories

Read "Are downloadable memories just around the corner?" at which features our Ed Boyden.


William Kraemer joins our blog team with the post "Mapping the Mind to Merge with Machines: Experimental Research Approaches to Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs)" at
Other interesting blog posts include:
"Atlantica Undersea Colony — Undersea Colonization and Research" by Tom Kerwick at
"FuturICT Vision for the Social Sciences, ICT & Complexity Science" by Farooq Khan at
"Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: A Galilean Base" by Tom Kerwick at

Growing Membership

Recent donations/pledges we have received since our last newsletter:
Donald Maclean: $10,500, Santiago Bilinkis: $200, Anonymous: $150, Michael Dickey: $85, Sergio M.L. Tarrero: $85, Philippe Van Nedervelde: $85, Kenneth P. Weiss: $85, Jane Hathaway: $50, Luis Carlos Reyes Hernandez: $50, Walter C. Putnam: $50, Francisco Palao: $40, J. Broadbent: $25, Rick Hubbard: $25, Matthew L. McGuirl: $25, Chuck Weir: $25, Ille C. Gebeshuber: $22, James Bracken: $10, Rebecca R. Cooper: $10, Thomas Dolphin: $10, Charles Hawk: $10, Laws: $10, Alexander Macrae: $10, Aaron Mayzes: $10, Philip Morehead: $10, Ocular Concepts: $10, Roland Schiefer: $10, Benjamin T. Solomon: $10, and Ryan Witt: $10.
Our Join Us page at now allows you to pay for your membership anywhere from monthly to every ten years.