We have been impressed with the work that Helldesign has been doing on
KurzweilAI 2.0, and also its Singularity University version, and have
decided to base a Lifeboat Foundation site upgrade around them. (Helldesign is doing the design work for KurzweilAI 2.0 while Lifeboat
Foundation is doing the programming work.)
Helldesign also designed The Singularity University site, The
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence site, The Singularity
Summit site, and The Methuselah Foundation site.
The Life Extension Foundation has gotten us started with a $1K donation. If you wish to help out, go to http://lifeboat.com/ex/website.redesign
The Singularity Summit 2009 - Updated Lineup
Our Itamar Arel, Ed Boyden, Ben Goertzel, Aubrey de Grey, Stuart
Hameroff, Marcus Hutter, Randal Koene, Ray Kurzweil, Gary Marcus,
Anders Sandberg, Jürgen Schmidhuber, and Eliezer Yudkowsky will be
speaking at The Singularity Summit 2009 which will be held in New York
on October 3-4 in Kaufmann Hall at the historic 92nd St Y.
Learn more at http://lifeboat.com/upcoming
Listen to our Philippe Van Nedervelde and Sonia Arrison on FastForward Radio at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/fastforwar...-Futures
The Space Renaissance Initiative
The Space Renaissance Initiative is working to organize a worldwide
Space Renaissance Forum, to be held in 2009, to help human civilization
to go over the current critical point.
Learn more at http://www.spacerenaissance.org/sri-call-text.htm
Sarah Black
Sarah Black, Managing Editor & Biz Dev at Kurzweil Technologies, donates
to the Lifeboat Foundation.
Learn more at http://lifeboat.com/ex/donor.date.list#sarah_black
Note that Ray Kurzweil is a large donor to the Lifeboat Foundation as
shown at http://lifeboat.com/ex/donor.dollar.lis...kurzweil
Watch "High-speed robot hand demonstrates dexterity and skillful manipulation" at http://lifeboat.com/ex/videos#high_spee...bot_hand
Stuart Hameroff joins our blog team with the post "A lifeboat for consciousness" at http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=587
We congratulate our Cyrus Wadia for winning the MIT Technology Review
2009 TR35 Top Young Innovator Award for his work on low cost solar cells
made from abundant, inexpensive materials.
Learn more at
Rodney C. Hill
Rodney C. Hill joins us and says "As a graduate student at UC Berkeley,
I taught a future studies course for two quarters in 1968-69 and have
been involved in future studies ever since. In a state of accelerating
change, we must look to the future to navigate the present."
Learn more at http://lifeboat.com/ex/donor.date.list#...y_c_hill
Explore 372 books authored by our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members at http://lifeboat.com/wheel.cgi?show
Growing Membership
Recent donations/pledges we have received since the last newsletter:
Life Extension Foundation: $1,000,
Robert Citron: $300,
Rodney C. Hill: $120,
Sergio M.L. Tarrero: $85,
Michael Anissimov: $85,
Eric Bauswell: $85,
Michael Dickey: $85,
Jason Gaverick Matheny: $85,
Philippe Van Nedervelde: $85,
Kenneth P. Weiss: $85,
Sarah Black: $30,
Frank C. Adamek: $25,
C M Anderson: $25,
Rick Hubbard: $25,
Alan R. Light: $25,
Matthew L. McGuirl: $25,
Anonymous: $20,
Ronald Amos: $10,
Stephen Fleming: $10,
Christopher Dilkus: $10,
Thomas Dolphin: $10,
Sylvia Engdahl: $10,
George Garrett: $10,
Joseph P. Jackson III: $10,
Linus Petersson: $10,
John N. Philipps (Jack): $10,
and SAT Vocabulary Builder: $10.
Our Join Us page at https://lifeboat.com/ex/join.us now allows you to
pay for your membership anywhere from monthly to every ten years.