Ed Begley, Jr., James Gardner, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Ed Lantz, Anders
Sandberg, Tihamer "Tee" Toth-Fejel, Michael Weiner, and Kenji Williams
have been added to our TV07 lineup. This brings us up to 21 speakers
at TV07! Blackjack! To celebrate, we have obtained a promotion code
for 40% off the event. To get this promotion code from us, send an email
with the subject "Lifeboat Foundation TV07 promotion code" to
Our Scientific Advisory Board members Ed Begley, Jr., José Cordeiro,
George Dvorsky, James Gardner, Jerry Glenn, Aubrey de Grey, Barbara Marx
Hubbard, James Hughes, Charlie Kam, Ray Kurzweil, Ed Lantz, Michael
LaTorra, Max More, Giulio Prisco, Anders Sandberg, Tihamer "Tee"
Toth-Fejel, Philippe Van Nedervelde, Natasha Vita-More, Shannon Vyff,
Michael Weiner, and Kenji Williams will be speaking at Transvision 2007
- Transforming Humanity: Innerspace to Outerspace from July 23 to July
25 at Chicago, IL, USA. It will be wall-to-wall Lifeboat Foundation
Scientific Advisory Board members!
Learn more at
Free Banners
Betterhumans has posted a free banner for us at
ETLD WebTV has posted a free banner for us at
Prolific software developer and researcher Aaron Davidson has posted a
free banner on his site for us at
More Offices
We now have offices in Hong Kong, China; London, UK; Los Angeles, USA; Minden, NV, USA; New York City, USA; San Francisco, USA; Sâo Paulo, Brazil; Sydney, Australia; and Tokyo, Japan. See the full list at
X PRIZE Cup 2007
We will formally announce in about a week that the EM Launch Competition
as described at will be featured at the X
PRIZE CUP '07 Holloman Air & Space Expo, October 26-28, 2007 Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, USA.
If you have comments on the proposed Contestant's Contract at, please send them to
If you wish to help us expand this competition, learn more at and then donate at
Ed Begley, Jr.
Environmentalist and Actor Ed Begley, Jr. joins our Sustainability Board. Learn about Ed at
Blaise Aguera y Arcas, the genius behind Microsoft's Photosynth, a
monumental piece of software capable of assembling static photos into a
synergy of zoomable, navigatable spaces, joins our Scientific Advisory
Board. Learn about Blaise at
Microsoft's brain-computer interface expert Desney S. Tan joins our
Robotics/AI Board. Learn about Desney at
Xerox researcher Frédérique Segond, who helped develop an evolutionary search engine that analyzes the meaning of words and contexts and accepts queries in everyday language, joins our Scientific Advisory Board. Learn about Frédérique at
Growing Membership
Jack Halpern, CEO of The CJK Dictionary Institute (CJKI) in Japan,
donated $12,000 to Lifeboat Foundation. This puts him in 1st place with
Ray Kurzweil close behind.
The CJK Dictionary Institute plays a leading role in helping the IT
industry penetrate the lucrative East Asian market by providing software
developers with high quality CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) and
Arabic dictionary data and consulting services.
Michael Fleischmann, President/Founder of Intelligent Design Creations
and Owner of Cosmos Computing, LLC, became our first First Class member. (Say that three times fast!)
Vincent A. Cate and Rick Hubbard joined as Executive Class members.
Here are some of the recent donations/pledges we have received since
the last newsletter:
Jack Halpern: $12,000,
Michael Anissimov: $410,
Sergio M.L. Tarrero: $170,
Michael Fleischmann: $150,
Rick Hubbard: $125,
Anonymous: $95,
Michael Dickey: $85,
Thoughtware.TV: $85,
Philippe Van Nedervelde: $85,
Kenneth P. Weiss: $85,
Carole Johnson: $50,
Vincent A. Cate: $50,
Paul Friedman: $30,
James Blodgett: $25,
John Claus: $25,
Adam Dobrin: $25,
James William Taylor: $25,
Otto Valtakoski: $20,
Sylvia Engdahl: $10,
Stephen Fleming: $10,
Glenn A. Miller: $10,
Jeremy Shepard: $10,
Kaj Sotala: $10,
Michael Vassar: $10,
and Donna Beck: $1.
Our Join Us page at now allows you to
pay for your membership anywhere from monthly to every ten years.