Literacy and Academic Standards by
Lawrence Baines.
Is reality really “real”? A few thoughts on the physical and theological implications of “We’re living in a simulation” by David Brin.
Risks and Threats to Civilization, Humankind, and the Earth by Joseph Coates.
Technological Evolution and Tribute to Sir Arthur C. Clarke by José Cordeiro.
Emerging Technologies So What?: Policies for Resolving the Global Crisis of Maturity by William E. Halal.
The Sustainability Solution to the Fermi Paradox by Jacob Haqq-Misra.
Could Humans Soon be Extinct? by John Leslie.
Threats: How Mad Scientists Can Destroy the World by Ian Pearson.
Existential Risk and Democratic Peace by Benny Peiser.
New Ontologies by Andrew Pickering.
Science, Technology, and Civilization by Jeremy Ramsden.
The Beingness Doctrine, The Neuron Strategy, and Willful Ignorance by Stephan A. Schwartz.
Modeling and Simulation at the Exascale for Energy and the Environment by Horst Simon.
What Mary Knows: Actual Mentality, Possible Paradigms, Imperative Tasks by Charles Tandy.
Is SETI Dangerous? and Structure of the Global Catastrophe: Risks of Human Extinction in the XXI Century by Alexei Valerievich Turchin.
Interfacing Two Major Developments Whose Whole May Be Much Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts by Win Wenger.
Is reality really “real”? A few thoughts on the physical and theological implications of “We’re living in a simulation” by David Brin.
Risks and Threats to Civilization, Humankind, and the Earth by Joseph Coates.
Technological Evolution and Tribute to Sir Arthur C. Clarke by José Cordeiro.
Emerging Technologies So What?: Policies for Resolving the Global Crisis of Maturity by William E. Halal.
The Sustainability Solution to the Fermi Paradox by Jacob Haqq-Misra.
Could Humans Soon be Extinct? by John Leslie.
Threats: How Mad Scientists Can Destroy the World by Ian Pearson.
Existential Risk and Democratic Peace by Benny Peiser.
New Ontologies by Andrew Pickering.
Science, Technology, and Civilization by Jeremy Ramsden.
The Beingness Doctrine, The Neuron Strategy, and Willful Ignorance by Stephan A. Schwartz.
Modeling and Simulation at the Exascale for Energy and the Environment by Horst Simon.
What Mary Knows: Actual Mentality, Possible Paradigms, Imperative Tasks by Charles Tandy.
Is SETI Dangerous? and Structure of the Global Catastrophe: Risks of Human Extinction in the XXI Century by Alexei Valerievich Turchin.
Interfacing Two Major Developments Whose Whole May Be Much Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts by Win Wenger.