
Advisory Board

Dr. Riccardo Campa

Dr. Riccardo Campa is founder and president of the Italian Transhumanist Association, Director of the World Transhumanist Association, and Professor of Sociology at the University of Cracow, Poland where he teaches the sociology of science and technology and the sociology and psychology of terrorism.
Riccardo is the author of Nainowsze odkrycie neurofizjologii kontra homo economicus (Polish), La scienza come modello etico (Italian), Critica sociologica de “La storia filosofica dei secoli futuri” di Ippolito Nievo (Italian), Enriques e l’abito della sincerità (Italian), Il razionalismo critico come codice etico della scienza (Italian), Postmodernism is Old, Let us Go Further: a collective and intercultural pamphlet, The Place of Ludwik Fleck in the Philosophical Debate, Thematic Analysis as a Resource for the Study of Sociological Theories, and The Epistemological Tridimensionality of Sociology.
He received a Ph.D. in Sociology at the Nicholas Copernicus University of Torun (Poland) in 1999, a Masters degree in Philosophy in 1994 at the University of Bologna (Italy), and a Masters degree in Political Sciences in 1990 at the University of Bologna (Italy). Before starting his academic career, he served as Lieutenant of the police corp Guardia di Finanza, investigating organized crime. Afterwards, he worked as a journalist for the newspaper La Voce di Mantova and the newsmagazine Il Mondo. In the academic year 2004–2005 he won a fellowship offered by NATO to research ethical aspects of scientific and technological development. He writes regularly for the journal MondOperaio. Read his interview (in Italian) by the Italian magazine Futuro Prossimo.
Riccardo speaks Italian, English, French, and Polish. He is also a musician who has recorded more than fifteen albums as a solo artist and with his bands. Listen to him sing Il fiore di Baudelaire, Rinascerò, Un tassista mai, and Don’t talk!