
Advisory Board

Dr. Nolene Ferrari Naidu

Nolene Ferrari Naidu, Ph.D. is Founder of H2020 and Market Risk Analyst at Investec.
H2020 uses mobile phones to collect and map water data. H2020’s projects help communities and industries understand the dynamics of their water resources. These projects range from building mapping tools for monitoring watersheds to quantifying the effects of water poverty on the people who live in the bottom of the economic pyramid.
She coauthored Causal temperature profiles in horizon-free collapse where she investigated the causal temperature profiles in a recent model of a radiating star undergoing dissipative gravitational collapse without the formation of an horizon. It is shown that this simple exact model provides a physically reasonable behavior for the temperature profile within the framework of extended irreversible thermodynamics.
Nolene also coauthored Thermal evolution of a radiating anisotropic star with shear where she studied the effects of pressure anisotropy and heat dissipation in a spherically symmetric radiating star undergoing gravitational collapse. An exact solution of the Einstein field equations is presented in which the model has a Friedmann-like limit when the heat flux vanishes. The behavior of the temperature profile of the evolving star is investigated within the framework of causal thermodynamics. In particular, she showed that there are significant differences between the relaxation time for the heat flux and the relaxation time for the shear stress.
Nolene earned her Ph.D. in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa in 2016. She earned her M.Sc. in Mathematics at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2009 with the dissertation Dynamics of dissipative gravitational collapse. She graduated Singularity University in 2010.
Read her TEDx profile and her LinkedIn profile.