
Advisory Board

Professor Moira O’Keeffe

Moira O’Keeffe, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor, School of Communication, Bellarmine University.
Her teaching/research interests include: visual communication, film and media studies, cultural studies, and digital media. She is presenting “Science Fiction and the Big Questions” at the DARPA/NASA 100 Year Starship Study Public Symposium.
Moira’s research deals with the cultural influence of popular entertainment media. Her current project focuses on the impact of how science is portrayed in fictional films and television programs. She has presented portions of this work at the 2008 National Communication Association Doctoral Honors Seminar and the 2008 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference. Her article about the formal features of Argentine documentaries, Evidence and absence: Documenting the Desaparecidos of Argentina was published in Communication, Culture and Critique in 2009.
Moira earned her B.A. in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Media Studies at New School for Social Research. She earned her M.A. in Broadcasting, Telecommunication, and Mass Media at Temple University. She earned her Ph.D. at Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
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