Dr. Michael Glock
Michael Glock, Ph.D.
is CMO at Sovivial,
Co-Chair at
International Association of Jungian Studies (IAJS),
President at
Bloom Factor, and Partner at
Genius Stone Partners.
During Michael’s 35+ years of experience as a Creative Director, CEO, Managed
Marketing/Business Automation expert, and lately a Philosopher, he has
developed methods and protocols that visualize possible future scenarios.
The benefits to businesses, NGOs, think tanks, intelligence agencies, and
policy makers are:
- Understanding the hidden psychological dimensions and cultural complexes that produce present reality.
- Prospective thinking — discovery and invention, examination and evaluation, of possible, probable, and preferable futures.
- How the hidden unconscious within significant critical events exposes teleological thrusts and directions.
- Way forward engineering — how concealed agendas, shadows, and shrouded conflicts reveal depth psychological dimensions and the immense impact this has on outcomes.
View his Facebook page. Read his LinkedIn profile.