Marius Raab
Dipl.-Psych., B.Sc. Applied Computer Science is Research Assistant
at the Department of General Psychology and Methodology
at University of Bamberg, Germany. Prior to his studies
of psychology and applied
computer science, he worked as an editor at a daily newspaper.
Marius coauthored
From Sensorimotor Graphs to Rules:
An Agent Learns from a Stream of Experience?,
Navigation via echolocation-like auditory feedback,
Eyes for an Agent: Simulation of Dynamically Evolving Preferences for
Visual Stimuli
by a Neural Network and a Multiple-Trace Memory Model,
Geheimwaffe Absurdität,
Je oller, je doller?,
Gut erzählt ist halb gewonnen?, and
Wohnungsnot und radioaktive Flugscheiben — Der Stoff, aus dem
Verschwörungstheorien sind.
He authored
PsiDement (German).
He earned his B.Sc. at
Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg in 2011
with the thesis
The Good, the Bad, and the Regular: Adopting the Analytical Inductive
Programming System IGOR for an Autonomous Agent’s Intentional Cognitive
System and his Categorized Stream of Experience.