Lucio Mauricio Henao Vélez, M.A.
Lucio Mauricio Henao Vélez, M.A., is the CEO and Gerente (Director) at ProSeres, Prospectiva Estrategica. He is a professional in Industrial Economics, Strategic Planning, Development and Management of Innovation, and Future Marketing. Lucio is also the Core Team member at WFSF, representing Colombia and the Founder of Prospectiva, Estado del arte estudios de futuro.
ProSeres, the organization Lucio has been CEO of since 2000, is the Ibero-American think tank for training, promotion, research, and consulting in the lines of foresight, strategic planning, and innovation.
In the past, Lucio has also been the Speaker at Prospecta Perú (2009), the Consultant and Associate Researcher at Centro De Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Sector Eléctrico Colombiano, at Centro de Ciencia y Tecnología de Antioquia CTA, at Camara de Comercio de Medellín, and Consultant at Interconexión Eléctrica.
His first employment lasted for 22 years, from 1978 until 2000, after he graduated from the University of Medellin. He worked as a Planning Officer at Enka De Colombia. His roles were Head of Planning, Head of Credit, Collections, and Payments, and Head of Market Research.
Lucio earned his Diploma in Prospective Scenarios (Prospectiva y Escenarios) from Universidad EAFIT in 1999. Between 1973 and 1978, he studied Economics at Universidad de Medellín where he earned the title of Industrial Economist. In 2002, he was a postgraduate in Organizational foresight and supplementary studies in foresight, and became Especialista en prospectiva organizacional at Fundación Universitaria ESUMER.
His strengths come from planning skills, business valuation, project formulation and evaluation, foresight, and in creating futures scenarios. He has proved his skills in more than three decades of experience and academy.
Lucio is an Active Member of the World Federation of Future Studies (WFSF), World Futures Society (WFS), Latin American Network of Scenarios and Strategy (EyE), Ibero-American Network of Foresight Technological Convergence (RIAP), Iberoamerican Network for Prospecting of the Millennium Project (RIBER), Prospecta Network Latin America, CorpoPlanea, Fundación Javier Barros Sierra, RELATE, and of Executive Boards in local companies.
Lucio has been lecturer, facilitator, and trainer of more than 1500 students and 150 practice workshops of planning, prospective, and futures studies. As Exhibitor at local and international congresses, Lucio is also a peer evaluator of publications in magazines, specialized books, and memories in foresight and futures scenarios.
Lucio has experience in working on strategic prospective planning in government spheres, companies, NGOs, supranational organizations, and academia.
His work on future and prospective studies in Colombia includes: Plan for land-use and management of the Aburra River Basin 2019, Habitat and Housing Strategic Plan Metropolitan Area 2025, Colombian Electricity Sector 2015, Futures studies in Business Group ISA 2016, Services associated with electric energy 2020, Home public services 2015, Antioquia banana sector 2019, Centers of excellence Colciencias Tuberculosis and Essential Oils 2020, Plan of special regulations and Peasant ecological plan 2025, Motorcycles sector in Colombia 2020, Metrosalud Public health company 2020, Foresight Business group Nutresa Pastas y Coffe 2035, Prospective Strategic Plan Center Mining Energy Research Colciencias, Integral Plan of the Community Water Resource El Retiro, Prospective Plan Union of professional epm.
Lucio is also working in Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, and Panamá among others and he has been involved in Cajamarca 2020, Binational Zone Integration Zone Plan Ecuador Peru 2050, Waters for the Future Mendoza Argentina 2030, and POT San Martín and Huallaga 2020 Special Plan.
To learn more in depth about Lucio, visit and read his profile at the Colombian Government Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation — Colciencias.
Watch and listen to his YouTube Channel. Watch the interview with Lucio at Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales IAEN. Follow him on Issue, where you can read his publications.
Visit his Science Department profile, LinkedIn profile, and WFSF profile. Follow him on Facebook, Academia, and Pinterest.