Dr. Jürg Dual
Jürg Dual, Ph.D., FASME is
Full Professor at the Institute of Mechanical Systems ETH Zürich
and is a member of SATW,
Swiss Academy of Technical Sciences.
His research interests include solid mechanics,
experimental mechanics, micro- and nanosystems, and
waves and vibrations of solids and structures.
His research focuses on wave propagation and vibrations in solids as
well as micro- and nanosystem technology. In particular he is interested
in both basic research and applications in the area of sensors
(viscometry), nondestructive testing, mechanical characterization of
microstructures, and ultrasonic manipulation of cells and particles. In
his research, experimentation is central, but must always be embedded in
corresponding analytical and numerical modeling. As mechanics is a very
basic science, it is particularly attractive for him to interact with
neighboring disciplines like bioengineering, materials science or
micro- and nanosystem technology.
Jürg coauthored
Fabrication of a tensile test for polymer micromechanics,
High-resolution analysis of the complex wave spectrum in a
shell containing a viscoelastic medium. Part II. Experimental results
versus theory,
Sensitivity improvement of a pump-probe set-up for thin film and
microstructure metrology,
A micro-particle positioning technique combining an ultrasonic
manipulator and a microgripper,
Detection of defects in cylindrical structures using a time reverse
method and a finite-difference approach, and
Modeling three-dimensional elastic wave propagation in circular
cylindrical structures using a finite-difference approach.
Learn about his
recent publications.
He received the
U.S. Government Fulbright Grant in 1982, the Silver Medal of ETH
Zürich in 1989, and the Latsis Prize of ETH Zürich in 1989.
He was made an
Honorary Member of German Association for Materials Research and
Testing DVM in 2000 and a
Fellow of the ASME in 2004.
Jürg earned his Diploma with Distinction in Mechanical Engineering
ETH Zürich in 1981. He earned his M.S. and M.Eng. in Mechanical
Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley USA in 1984.
He earned his Dr. sc. techn. at
the Institute of Mechanical Systems ETH Zürich in 1988.