John Leslie, M.Litt. (Oxford), F.R.S.C.
Leslie, M.Litt. (Oxford), F.R.S.C. taught philosophy at the
University of Guelph; retired, he is
now an Adjunct Professor at the
University of Victoria. A Fellow of the
Royal Society of Canada, he was the British Academy — Royal
Society of
Canada Exchange Lecturer for 1998. He has held visiting professorships in
the Research School of Philosophy at
Australian National University, in
the Department of Religious Studies at the
University of Calgary, and at
the Institute of Astrophysics at the
University of
Value and Existence (1979) defended the Platonic theory that
cosmos might exist because of an ethical requirement. Work on this and
other themes in philosophy of religion made him interested in the
fine-tuning of cosmic parameters in ways that made it possible for intelligent
life to evolve. He became known in philosophy of cosmology for numerous
articles, for his book
Universes (1989) and for the edited volume
Physical Cosmology and Philosophy (1990; later expanded as
Modern Philosophy and Cosmology).
Any cosmic fine-tuning might be explained either through divine action or
through “anthropic” observational selection — for there might exist
many universes, very varied in their characteristics, observers being able to
find themselves only in universes whose characteristics were not utterly
hostile to them. Such observational selection would also make observers
more likely to find themselves at times and places where observers were
common, not rare. If the human race had been destined to colonize its
entire galaxy, wouldn’t any human expect to find himself or herself at a
time when it had indeed done so, instead of at one when the vast majority
of all humans were in the future? This is the basis of a “doomsday
argument” which warns us not to be confident in a long future for
humankind. John wrote many articles defending the argument. It is
central to his The End of the World: The Science and Ethics of
Human Extinction (1996), a book which also contains a detailed survey of
current threats to the human race, plus discussion of why its extinction
would be tragic. This book is also available as an online eBook.
John’s latest book is
Infinite Minds: A Philosophical Cosmology,
also available as an online
eBook. He is the inventor of “chess variant of the decade”
Hostage Chess.