
Advisory Board

Dr. Jean Staune

Jean Staune, Ph.D. has degrees in the philosophy of science, mathematics, paleontology, political science, computer science, and management. He is the founder and general secretary of the Interdisciplinary University of Paris and an assistant professor in philosophy in one of Europe’s prominent business schools, the MBA program of the HEC. He has been an invited teacher in two Pontifical universities and in China’s Shandong University.
Jean is researcher and lecturer on Philosophy of Science and issues in mind-brain research at Ecole Polytechnique Fédéale de Lausanne – Laboratoire d’Informatique et de Visualisation (LIV), Editor of the series Science et Quête de Sens (Science and the Quest of Meaning), Editions Presses de la Renaissance, General Secretary of the Interdisciplinary University of Paris, Lecturer in Philosophy of Science, Business Ethics and Evolution of Capitalism in the MBA program of HEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales), Training Expert for the French Business Leaders’ Association ‘The Progress of Management’ (A.P.M), and Member of the Board of Advisors of the John Templeton Foundation.
Jean authored Au-delà de Darwin: pour une nouvelle vision de la vie”(Beyond Darwin: toward a new vision of life), La science en otage : Comment certains industriels, écologistes, fondamentalistes et matérialistes nous manipulent (Science held hostage: How some manufacturers, environmentalists, fundamentalists, and materialists treat it), and Notre existence a-t-elle un sens ? : Une enquète scientifique et philosophique (Does our existence have a meaning?), and edited La science, l’homme et le monde: Les nouveaux enjeux (Science, Mankind and the World), Science et quête de sens, and its English version Science and the Search for Meaning: Perspectives from International Scientists.
He earned a DEA in Philosophy of Science, Paris I La Sorbonne; a DEA in Paleontology, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, in 1994; Degree from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris), awarded 1988, Economics and Finance sections in 1988; DESS in “Capacity to manage a company” (Capacité à Administrer une Entreprise – CAAE), Management Institute, (Institut d’Administration des Entreprises), University Paris I La Sorbonne in 1987; Master in Computer Sciences Applied to Management (MIAGE), University Paris IX-Dauphine in 1986; and Bachelor of Science (DEUG MASS), University PARIS VII in 1984.
Watch Notre existence a-t-elle un sens ? (Jean Staune sur Oumma TV), Au dela de Darwin, pour une autre vision de la vie, Jean Staune à la sixième journée de l’Université Intégrale : Civilisations du futur, and quart d’heure de célébrité Jean Staune. Read his Wikipedia profile (French).