
Advisory Board

Jared Bielby, MA, MLIS

Jared Bielby, MA, MLIS is Co-Chair for the International Center for Information Ethics and editor for the International Review of Information Ethics. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Freelance Netizen™. His consulting services currently address IEEE’s Internet Initiative Collabratec™ Internet Technology Policy community: Experts in Technology and Policy (ETAP), where he moderates on Internet Governance (IG) and the Internet of Things (IoT).
His research explores the inter-disciplinary and intercultural connections between Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) and information culture. He has spoken internationally on the subjects of information ethics, Internet Governance, Internet of Things (IoT) and global citizenship in a digital era with a specific address of digital citizenship and the netizen.
Jared’s research is published with McFarland & Company Inc. and with Confluence: Online Journal of World Philosophies. He has peer reviewed for the Journal of Ethics and Information Technology (Springer) and is the co-editor of the Festschrift, Information Cultures in the Digital Age.
His consulting addresses local and international academic communities and information technology policy groups on subjects of ethics and policy relating to ICTs. His career objective is to design and implement innovative pedagogical practices that support international and intercultural teaching in issues of technology, information policy, and ethics where a focus on informed and responsible interactions with technology and information defines the curricula.
As communications liaison and Co-chair for the International Center for Information Ethics, Jared’s goal is to establish and support local and globalized centers and forums around the world that address the confluence of ethics and technology towards transforming internationally based technology policy into interculturally based technology policy. He has presented at universities and spoken on panels in Israel, China, Canada, and the United States, including participating in China’s 2015 World Internet Conference on cyberspace governance.
Jared earned his BA in Religion & Theology, World Religions, Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at The King’s University College in 2010. He earned his combined MA/MLIS in Humanities Computing and Information Ethics / The Philosophy of Information at the University of Alberta in 2014.
Read his Google Scholar Citations and his LinkedIn profile.