Douglas Lain
Douglas Lain
is the publisher of Zero Books,
a novelist, a blogger, and a podcaster.
His first novel, entitled
Billy Moon tells the story of Christopher
Robin Milne’s fictional involvement with the French general strike in
May of 1968, and was released from Tor Books in 2013. His
second book entitled
After the Saucers Landed is about a Fluxus artist
and Ufologist who sinks into a deep depression after the aliens arrive
on schedule.
About Zero Books
Contemporary culture has eliminated the concept and public figure of the
intellectual. A cretinous anti-intellectualism presides, cheerled by
hacks in the pay of multinational corporations who reassure their bored
readers that there is no need to rouse themselves from their stupor.
Zero Books knows that another kind of discourse — intellectual without
being academic, popular without being populist — is not only possible:
it is already flourishing. Zero is convinced that in the unthinking,
blandly consensual culture in which we live, critical and engaged
theoretical reflection is more important than ever before.
Watch Doug’s YouTube channel.
After The Saucers Landed — An Interview With Doug Lain.
Listen to
Doug Lain — The Dream of Reality.
Read his
LinkedIn profile and his
Wikipedia profile.
Follow his Twitter feed.