Dr. David Roden
David Roden, Ph.D.
is Research Affiliate and Associate Lecturer in Philosophy
at The Open University.
His published work has addressed the relationship between deconstruction
and analytic philosophy, philosophical naturalism, the metaphysics of
sound, and posthumanism. He wrote a chapter for the
Springer Frontiers volume
The Singularity Hypothesis: A Scientific and
Philosophical Assessment and is currently completing Posthuman Life:
Philosophy at the Edge of the Human to be published by Acumen in
His papers include
The Disconnection Thesis,
Posthumanism and Instrumental Eliminativism,
In and Out of Control: Self-Augmenting and Autonomous
Cylons in the Original Position: Limits of Posthuman Justice,
Radical Quotation and Real Repetition,
Sonic Art and the Nature of Sonic Events, and
The Subject.
David’s current research addresses the philosophical issues raised by
contemporary discussions of posthumanism and transhumanism within a
systematic metaphysical framework.
He is developing a position which he refers to as “speculative
posthumanism” (SP) in contradistinction to “critical posthumanism”.
Critical posthumanists claim that current technoscientific change
“deconstructs” the philosophical centrality of the human subject in
epistemology, ethics and politics. SP, by contrast, is not a
metaphilosophical but a metaphysical thesis. It articulates the claim
that descendants of current humans could cease to be human by virtue
a history of technical augmentation and that this possibility is
significant. SP is compatible with naturalistic or
“anthropological” humanism but not with transcendental forms of humanism
— a distinction mostly elided by critical posthumanists. He also
distinguishes SP from the ethic of transhumanism advocated by proponents
of technological enhancement. One can, like some advocates of
technological relinquishment, hold that posthuman life is a significant
but not desirable possibility.
SP raises several philosophical questions about posthuman difference.
These form the focus of his work:
1) How wide is the relation descendant of current humans? What
hypothetical non-human (synthetic lifeforms, artificial intelligences,
uploaded minds, etc.) should be viewed as wide descendants?
2) Does the possibility of ceasing to be human entail a human
so, does this require posthumanists to be essentialists about the kind
human? Can some conception of human nature be accommodated within
anti-essentialist metaphysical schemes?
3) How do ideas of posthuman transcendence (e.g. in Vinge’s notion of
the technological singularity) compare with traditional conceptions of
transcendence developed in other philosophical movements or traditions
(e.g. speculative realism, negative theology, and postmodern ethics)?
4) What is the semantic and epistemological status of claims about
posthumans made by pre-posthumans?
5) Given an answer to 4, is the understanding of the posthuman
predicated on synthetic undertakings in areas like artificial
intelligence? If so, does a theoretical interest in posthumanity
a practical interest in creating it?
6) Assuming the need for a partially synthetic approach, David is
developing speculative models of posthuman life based on current ideas
in cognitive science and phenomenology. For example, while propositional
attitude psychology is arguably part our current cognitive structure, it
could be instrumentally eliminated by removing the vehicles of
required for propositional attitudes. He argues that this could occur as
result of cognitive enhancements which obviate the need for
lingua-formal modes of representation and that this scenario furnishes
one scenario for posthuman transcendence. He will also consider the
methodology for hypothetical phenomenologies of posthuman lifeforms
— e.g. multiply or heterogeneously-embodied entities or
“multi-threaded” forms of consciousness.
7) Finally, David will consider the scope for ethical and
incommensurability between humans and posthumans and its
ethico-political consequences for contemporary debates between the
advocates of human enhancement and their bio-conservative critics.
David earned his BA with Honors in Philosophy at the
University of Bristol in 1982.
He earned his Ph.D. with the thesis
“The Metaphysics of the Deconstructive Text”
at Cardiff University in 1999.
Read his
LinkedIn profile.
Read his blog
enemyindustry: philosophy at the edge of the human.