
Advisory Board

Dr. Daniel Mange

Dr. Daniel Mange is Professor with the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and Director of the Logic Systems Laboratory (LSL). His chief interests include firmware theory (equivalence and transformation between hardwired systems and programs), cellular automata, artificial life, and embryonics (embryonic electronics) and he is coinventor of the patent “Electronic System Organized as an Array of Cells”.
Daniel is coeditor of Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware : Second International Conference, ICES ‘98, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 23 – 25, 1998, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) and Bio-Inspired Computing Machines, coauthor of Introduction à la vie artificielle (in French), and author of Analyse et synthèse des systèmes logiques (Traité d’électricité ; v. 5) (in French), Analysis and Synthesis of Logic Systems (Artech House Communication and Electronic Defense Library), and Microprogrammed Systems: An Introduction to Firmware Theory (Chapman and Hall Computing Series).
He is on the Editorial Board of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, and is Founder of the Groupe de réflexions et d’études ferroviaires (GREF), Founder of the Conférence des logiciens d’expression française (CLEF), Founder of the Groupe d’intérêt pour la bio-informatique (GIBI), Cofounder and member of the Direction board of the Communauté d’intérêts pour les transports publics, section Vaud (CITRAP VAUD), Member of Conseil d’administration du Tramway du sud-ouest lausannois (TSOL), Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Member of EUROMICRO Association, Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Member of the Association Suisse des Électriciens (ASE), and Member of the Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles (SVSN).
Daniel received an electrical engineer diploma with distinction from EPFL in 1964, a Ph.D. with honours for his thesis devoted to Algorithms and machines for the automatic design of logic systems from EPFL in 1968, was Laureate of the SEV Denzler prize, as a coauthor of the Traité d’électricité de l’Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL in 1986, and became Honour Member of the Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles (SVSN) in 2004.