
Advisory Board

Dadi Alon

Dadi Alon is an entrepreneur, manager, and marketing executive with more than 20 years of experience in management, business strategy, and development, in consumer products and high-tech industries. He is focused on being a startup accelerator and mentor.
Dadi’s accomplishments include:

  • Entrepreneur and accelerator — 20 years record: business strategy, sales & marketing, finance management, process technology.
  • General Manager of Aloda ltd Israel (OLYMPUS IL) – 25% camera market share in Israel, top Olympus world record (…Bigger than Sony + Panasonic together): 1000 selling points, 1 million camera products sales — last decade. 25 Million USD yearly turnover
  • Co-Creator of AgfaPhoto Android products linetablets and SmartPhones — 100K per year 2012/3 — (Manufacturing and trade distribution for Europe & EMEA — based in China)
  • From Trash to Treasure: Manage companies with cash flow crisis while keeping clear constructive communication with its workers, customers, suppliers, and banks.
His goal is to engage in joint ventures with seed startups in order to secure a profitable business:
  • Raise funds: Angel & VC and other creative sources
  • Define clear & focus products strategy
  • Establish worldwide sales channels
  • Advisory board member — Commercial VP
Dadi was previously CEO for DI Olympus in Israel, Olympus Optical Europe GmbH; General Manager, Casio & Tablets for Digital Distribution (ada) ltd; Sales & Marketing International for; Sales Manager @ Key Accounts for Elitech & Eichut group; and Sales Rep for IBM Israel.
Dadi earned his Engineer’s degree in Industrial Engineering (information systems) at Technion-Machon Technologi Le’ Israel in 1982.
Read his LinkedIn profile.