Anthony M. Oliver
Anthony M. Oliver
is CTO at
Ingenuitas, Treasurer at
a2geeks, and coauthor of
Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV: The Simple Way to Make
Technology See.
Anthony is an open source advocate and vision system aficionado.
He has given numerous talks and presentations on the use of open source
software in manufacturing, including a the 2010 Quality Conference and
Ignite Automotive. He has worked in manufacturing machine vision for
over 5 years as well as areas such as robotics and web
has been involved with technical and open source communities his entire
professional career, including being an officer of A2Geeks and a Google
Summer of Code awardee for the Drupal content management
earned a BS in Software Engineering from Michigan Technological
University in 2007.
Read his
LinkedIn profile.
Follow his
Twitter feed.