Anne Hudson
Hudson is an experienced aerospace executive and visionary biotech
entrepreneur. She is Secretary/Treasurer at
HMX, Inc. HMX is focused on aerospace propulsion,
system engineering concepts, and venture funding &
She has spent nearly 30 years in private space development and
the biology of human aging working with her partner and husband of 24
Gary Hudson. Her
specialty is high tech operations management in physically challenging
Anne was previously Senior Administrator at Protoflight LLC,
Owner at AirLaunch LLC,
President at HMX, Inc.,
VP of Admin at Rotary Rocket Company, and
Software Quality Assurance at Apple Computer.
She is a founding member of the Methuselah 300
and sponsor of the first SENS Conference.
She earned her BA in Archeology at the
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in 1975.
In 1975, her field school instructor and Honor’s Advisor took her aside
graduation and told her flat out:
“your field work is adequate but your theoretical work is radical — way too ‘Trekkie’. I mean for heaven’s sake — using pictures from space to find archeological sites? Meteor impacts from space as a driver of climate change and physiological and cultural evolution? Let’s face it sweetie, you’re never going to win the Nobel.
HOWEVER, there is a reason every professor here wants you as a field assistant. You keep auditable field records. You can write a winning grant proposal. You can train the freshman in field hygiene and digging a pit toilet. You can negotiate with local farmers for fresh food. And you can hot wire the jeep. Please don’t go straight to graduate school and become an ivory tower academic. Go get a job. Any job. But go with your strengths.”
And so Anne did this.
Anne’s goal is to fly to the stars and to live forever.
Read her
LinkedIn profile.